Examples Of Individual Empowerment: Subversion Or Reproduction Of Oppression

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Individual empowerment: Subversion or reproduction of oppression
The definition of empowerment is closely related to the idea of taking measures which increase one’s autonomy and control over her life and decisions, enabling the person to take initiative and shape her life in a way that is consistent with her will and determination. Empowerment refers to granting power to the oppressed and opposing to the appropriation of power by a single, dominant group. In case of an individual empowerment, however, a single person distinguishes herself from the rest of the members of the subordinated group to the extent that she exercises more power and authority then the oppressed group. Therefore, individual empowerment carries the danger of leaving the …show more content…

While it would not be quite honest to argue that beauty standards are completely socially constructed considering the substantial body of scientific research claiming the opposite, the obvious effects of society should not be denied either. The truth about the perception of beauty lies somewhere in between: the beauty standards might be both societal and biological artifacts. Therefore, we can establish the claim that rather than being universally and inherently attractive, one can become so by meeting the immediate beauty standards of her society. Beauty in this context becomes a matter of choice between conforming to the oppressive ideals of female beauty or challenging it. The woman who decides to comply with the norm gains power from the existing structure, simultaneously empowering herself and perpetuating oppression for …show more content…

Can we distance the judgment from the interests of the whole society and look at the experiences of individual women? Some sex workers and activists nowadays are increasingly reporting that prostitution helped them gain more autonomy and independence in their lives. Meg Munoz, an American sex activist and a former sex worker told the audience at the annual conference of Amnesty International that she “believes in empowered sex worker”: she “was moving towards the goal” of paying rent and car insurance, saving for college and “sex work helped me do that”. Shabana, the leader of the Sangli Collective which provides condoms and raises awareness among the Indian sex workers, says in her short film that she recently realized the benefits of sex labor: “It’s good that I’m in sex work, I don’t have to depend on anyone for anything”. However, even the women who perceive prostitution as the mean for self-empowerment, face the stigma perpetuated both by the US government and numerous other states which criminalize women for sex labor and mainstream feminist movement, which portrays sex labor as destructive and detrimental for society. Considering the persistent structural inequalities driving women to prostitution, shaming and punishing sex workers is equal to eradicating their only source of self-empowerment and pushing them to the margins in the name of societal prosperity. This

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