Examples Of Idealism In The Great Gatsby

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Gatsby’s Unrealistic Dream
The American dream is an “idea that believes all people have the possibility of prosperity and success.” This idea inspired people to fight for something or someone. This idea can be determined by love, wealth, power, success, etc. During the 1920’s, the idea of the American dream became corrupted and replaced with the idea of wealth and power. The main theme in this novel by Fitzgerald is the American dream. “The Great Gatsby is a corrupted version of what used to be a pure and honest ideal way to live”. In The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Gatsby is destroyed by his view of the American dream, corrupted and perilous, of being with Daisy and having it all.
Fitzgerald’s character, Gatsby, is consumed with …show more content…

He thinks that if he becomes popular and rich, that Daisy will marry him and everything will be perfect, which is not the case. He also that believes that if he keeps himself busy he can fill the part of his heart that is left for Daisy. This did not work because no matter how much money or material possession he owns, he still wants her. He realizes that achieving the American dream of money and success is not reaching the happiness of being together with Daisy. Gatsby’s impractical trust in money and wealth and the potential of life distorted his dreams into a life based on deception and …show more content…

He uses these symbols to emphasize the endeavors of the American dream. The green light at Daisy’s house symbolizes many things. It can symbolize Gatsby’s consuming need for money and wealth. The light can also symbolize Gatsby standing alone in the dark with only the idea of the light, Daisy, to lighten his gloomy world. The light is just beyond his reach, making is so that he can never actually have it, which makes it a symbol of Daisy’s love for him and his American dream. Gatsby’s dream is an example of any person’s dream that is unattainable. It reminds us that no matter how much we have, we will always strive for more. Gatsby is not just a character. He is a symbol of unattainable

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