Examples Of Hypocrisy In Daisy Miller

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Dana Reece Baylard’s analysis of “Daisy Miller, also titled “Daisy Miller,” implies that the purpose of Henry James’s work is to point out the hypocrisy that goes along with judging others. Baylard supports this claim with specific instances of hypocrisy in the novel that directly relate to judgments. For example, Winterbourne chastises Daisy for being flirtatious, claiming that her actions are improper. On the other hand, the novel implies that Winterbourne has been involved with an older, married woman. His actions show to be truly improper, not Daisy’s. Additionally, is seems that he believes that the actions of the woman he is involved with are okay, because he benefits; but when it comes to Daisy, who is a single woman, her flirtatious …show more content…

The claim of this link is adequately supported by instances of Winterbourne’s judgement of both Daisy and Mr. Giovanelli, and the hypocrisy that follows these judgements; this evidence is presented from beginning to end of her analysis. For instance, her strongest point is the example of Winterbourne’s judgement of Daisy’s flirtatiousness. He looks at this as being improper, yet he is involved with a woman that is married. This accurately portrays Winterbourne as a hypocrite, and sells the reader on Baylard’s point instantaneously. Because Baylard uses evidence directly from the novel “Daisy Miller” to portray Winterbourne as both judgmental and hypocritical, her claim is completely logical and accurate. Baylard’s ideas are formatted in a style that is easy to read; examples and explanations are given in a neat format that is easy to understand. The language used is easy to follow, and is completely appropriate for the audience that would typically study “Daisy Miller,” which is high school and college students. Baylard successfully persuades an agreement to her claim with the specific evidence that she uses from the novel, and her argument is well

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