Examples Of Honesty In The Crucible

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They say “Honesty is the best policy”, but that isn’t necessarily true especially for those who lived in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692. Honesty may have been a good trait for someone to have, but during the witch trials people rethought that. In The Crucible, Arthur Miller portrayed many people as good puritans. Always loyal and honest throughout their lives, and avoiding any sins that they possibly could. But there were people who had to sin to save their lives or even to save their reputation. Abigail Williams was just an young girl who turned to lying in order to save herself during the Salem Witch Trials. At the same time, Elizabeth Proctor was not agreeing with the witch business that she was accused of. You could tell lies during this time, and no one would think that you were turning too sins because the entire town was becoming obsessed about all those accused of possible witchcraft. While some were being accused, others were avoiding the truth when confessing. Like when Abigail never confessed to drinking blood when she was with Tituba and Betty. In The Crucible, Honesty was portrayed …show more content…

But in The Crucible, honesty was shown to be an negative trait. Lying has been a common thing throughout the story, such as when Abigail claimed that Tituba wanted her to drink some blood. Later on we found out that Abigail did drink the blood, and no one knew except for Betty because she was with her at the time. Many people have difficulties deciding on whether something is right or wrong. They don’t want to stray from their beliefs or values, such as being honest. It is after all the way that Puritans were raised up and told to be like. Puritans thought that telling the truth was a good thing, like when Elizabeth said the she didn’t believe in witches roaming Salem. But that brought up mayhem in the town. That’s why in order to stay alive during the changes in Salem, you must be able to change

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