Examples Of Hatred In 1984 By George Orwell

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In the novel 1984 by George Orwell, O’Brien claims that living in a society full of hatred is doable in the hands of Big Brother. The reasoning for having Big Brother is to persuade people that the government is in control and no one needs to worry about anything else. Just as many people in 1984 were trained to believe in the the choices and decisions the government makes I feel that today many people are also in the same situation. I agree in O’Brien’s point of view that we can carry on living in a society full of hatred. A society based on hate can and will exist as long as the society remains isolated from the outside world and how the society stays tied together in their hate. To start off, O’Brien says “Old civilianization claimed that they …show more content…

A nation full of hate is not just a made up idea in the novel 1984, real life situations have occurred resembling this thought. For example, we have real life groups such as the Nazi Party, the Ku Klux Klan, Al-Qaeda, and North Korea which prove such strong societies can exist. “Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows” (81), this quote reflects to these real life groups because to become a strong society full of hate you need supporters to understand why. The more a group has the more capable it can turn into a large society of its own and can overrule a population. Hitler is a good example, he wanted to become an artist, but failed to get accepted into an art academy. The hatred he has built up inside made him to become one of the top leaders of the most powerful hate group know till this day. Even though the Nazi Party genocide is long gone vanished, we still have some Nazi supporters as of present day, but aren’t greatly as powerful as it was in the 1920s. This comes to show that hate in a society can make an impact and survive as long as it wants unless it has strong

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