Examples Of Greed In Romeo And Juliet

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Timeless stories are always available for some sort of modern twist just like other popular childhood stories. For example, Cinderella, Rapunzel, and Snow White and the Seven Dwarves are all examples of popular, old stories that have been twisted around to appeal to the modern population. Romeo and Juliet is a classic tale of two lovers who go against their families’ feud to be together yet die in the end. Most movies based off of Romeo and Juliet, unless it is a remake of the original play, do not die, which makes sense if the producers want to appeal to the younger audience for money making purposes. Most teenagers don’t want to go watch a movie where the attractive young male actor and/or actress dies. While their love is what most young, teenage
For example, the President of the United
States and the Vice- President of the United States. Say the Vice- President wants to become the
President because he feels he can run the position better or he just wants the position because the
President makes more money than the Vice- President. There are many ways the latter could eliminate the former just for his own personal greed. Just like in Macbeth, most men and women kill or do some type of deed to gain something of their own. But most of the time, in the end, the person who commits these crimes, more times than none, gets caught from a slip up that was found at the murder scene, their own guilty conscious, or even just a witness or partner that helped in the crime. Michelle Obama said, “We learned about honesty and integrity - that the truth matters... that you don't take shortcuts or play by your own set of rules... and success doesn't count unless you earn it fair and square.” To compare it with Macbeth, Macbeth and
Lady Macbeth tried to take the shortcut to get to the throne. They tried to take the shortest route to get what they desired. They tried to be cheaters in the game of life. Scott Alexander said,”

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