Examples Of Gender Ambiguity

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From a young age society classifies us to keep civilization organized and to avoid chaos. However, ambiguity can be necessary at times to question the systematic norms. Gender is a system that categorizes males and females based on their physical appearance, voice, and personality. However, these strict gender roles created by society exclude those who defy classification, such as individuals who are gender binary or gender fluid.
Gender is a cultural construct, completely unrelated to one’s sex assigned at birth. Nevertheless, in American culture one is assigned a specific gender the minute they are born. When we enter the world, the doctor immediately exclaims, “it’s a boy” or “it’s a girl,” and the baby is swaddled in the gender identifying blue or pink blanket. Parents and the medical community even subject intersexual infants to painful and unsuccessful sex assignment surgery to fit this gender norm.
After the infant is taken home, the gender indoctrination continues with the room colors, clothes and even the child’s toys. When I was a kid there were separate …show more content…

Unlike cisgenders, who identify with the gender they were assigned at birth, gender binary individuals do not identify with a specific gender. More specifically, if you are gender binary it means that you have a biological sex, but you do not have a specific gender. Another idea that don’t fit under the gender categories is being gender fluid. This means that you do not identify with being one specific gender, but can relate to both male and female and vacillate between points in that spectrum. Well, one should be free to live as they chose, gender binary and gender fluid are still subjected to societal pressures to be categorized as male or female. They are constantly scrutinized by the way they dress, the sound of their voice and their body

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