Examples Of Freewill In Macbeth

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Abigail Olivares
English 4
Mrs. Crockett
December, 16, 2015
Fate vs. Freewill
According to Horney each of the interpersonal strategies of defense involves a ‘’bargain with fate ‘’ in which if a person lives up to his claims are supposed to be honored. The perfectionistic person believes that his own rectitude will ensure fair treatment from others through the height of his standards he completes fate. In Macbeth freewill is presented because Macbeth kills Duncan and Banquo by him not knowing what his outcome would be.
Macbeth appears before King Duncan who praises him in the most fulsome terms in language full with references to debits and unpaid balances what is it then that compelled him to make a contract with fate the critical thing …show more content…

He further states that the ‘’necessity’’ that determines Macbeth’s actions exists in his own heart.
In Macbeth, the witches’ prophecies seem to negate Macbeth's free will. However, at some instances, Macbeth willfully chooses evil over good. Macbeth hires men to murder both Banquo and Fleance. now Macbeth has the murderers go to Macduff's house Many people died because Macbeth chose evil over good With a clear conscience free of guilt, Macbeth can sleep fine This sleepless journey begins when Macbeth murders the king Duncan. Macbeth does murder sleep'- the innocent sleep." This is a theme that will haunt Macbeth for the rest of the play, and for nearly a year Macbeth shall "sleep no more."
In conclusion Macbeth is not only trying to assure his safety and to cut off a rival line he is also trying to master fate to force it to honor his bargain. The futility of this enterprise is brought home to him by the escape of Fleance. Macbeth would feel unbroken both Banquo and Fleance had been killed. Because this would have established his independence of external ordinances .At the same time Macduff’s confess to Macbeth that he wasn’t born from his mother his mother died before he had him. By him hearing that he already had an idea how his outcome would finish. And it did by him dyeing not been the king of

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