Examples Of Free Will In Romeo And Juliet

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Fate and free-will are both widely discussed topics in the world today. In William Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, fate and free-will greatly influenced Romeo and Juliet’s lives at every opportunity. That influence was both good and bad, and led to their premature deaths at the end of the play. Fate can be described as the development of events beyond a person’s control, while free-will is the power of acting without the constraint of necessity or fate. Free-will caused Romeo and Juliet to fall in love with each other, make poor choices, and ultimately die an untimely death. Romeo and Juliet made their own decisions as to who they fell in love with, and that decision was with each other. After the Capulet party where Romeo …show more content…

In this quote, Juliet tells Romeo that if he truly loves her, then he will make plans to marry her tomorrow and that she will be a true and loyal wife to him. This quote proves that free-will was the cause of the lovers’ unfortunate deaths because Juliet made the decision to be with Romeo even though he was supposed to be her enemy. She knew that only trouble would arise if their parents found out, yet she went ahead with the marriage anyway. As a result of free-will, Romeo and Juliet made numerous bad choices throughout the play. After Romeo hears about Juliet’s “death,” he visits an apothecary to ask for a deadly poison that he can drink. Romeo wants to die because he can’t bear the thought of continuing life without Juliet. The apothecary says to Romeo, “Put this in any liquid thing you will/ And drink it off, and if you had the strength/ Of twenty men, it would dispatch you straight” (V.i.77-79). The apothecary tells Romeo what the poison will do to him and how to use it. This quote shows free-will is to blame for Romeo’s death because he made the poor decision to go out and buy a lethal poison that he knew could kill him. Nothing forced him to buy that poison, and it wasn’t “written in the stars” that he was going to use poison to kill himself. It was all his own

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