Examples Of Fear Short Story

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One of the most prevalent examples of fear in my childhood was a cold afternoon in December. Frost speckled the windows and I sat playing on the cool, tile floors of my living room. Across the house, I heard yelling coming from downstairs. Curious, I went to go investigate, dropping my toys and bolting into the kitchen. The shouts became clearer, and I saw my mom grabbing at the fire extinguisher in an infectious panic. My pulse raced, and my thoughts muddled. This was not the kind of fear you experience watching a twisted Disney movie or when faced with a circus clown-- this was real and sharp and urgent and without thinking I knew what I had to do. I made a mad dash for the corner of the room where Marie sat, oblivious, rolling a toy car along the edge of the couch. I grabbed her hand and she looked up at me confused. I led her outside into the cold without a second thought and we ran as far out from the house as we could. We stood shivering, my arm around my sister, my feet turning pink from the ice. In just a few seconds, my dad burst out of the side door, holding what looked like pure fire and throwing it into the snow. Quickly it exploded into flames …show more content…

I once heard someone say that bravery isn’t a lack of fear, it’s taking action despite being scared, and these are words I’ve lived by ever since. When faced with these intense events and challenges, it is natural to be afraid whether you’re five years old or a wife with children. Despite being inconvenient in the moment, fear is an emotion that can truly change a person. This story happened so long ago the details are still fuzzy and the images almost look like a dream, but even as the memory fades the effect it had on my personality will remain forever. For example, to this day my “fight or flight” instinct is to flee, and I will protect my family above all

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