Examples Of Fate In The Sun Also Rises By Ernest Hemingway

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Ernest Hemingway’s novel, The Sun Also Rises, accurately depicts real life situations that people encounter. This is why the novel is considered a classic and why it is still read today. The novel takes place in Paris during the 1920’s (post World War I). The main characters include: Jake Barnes, Robert Cohn, and Lady Brett Ashley. These particular characters are involved in a tragic love triangle. The most tragic part of the triangle involves Jake Barnes and Lady Brett Ashley, who both fell for each other during the war but decided their relationship would never work. However, fate continually brings the two back into each other's lives. Fate is defined as the development of events beyond a person's control, regarded as determined by a supernatural power. Essentially, if something is supposed to happen then it will eventually happen no matter what decisions a person makes in their life. Fate possesses the ability to manipulate people’s lives through decisions. Typically, when a person attempts to avoid a certain path, they are led to their fate through the decision of avoidance. These factors are presented in The Sun Also Rises through Jake …show more content…

However, life manages to bring the pair together on numerous occasions. Most of these occasions finished with Brett and Jake confessing their love, kissing, and then Brett explained to Jake that they could not do this again. On one occasion, Brett and Jake were saying good night and they kissed which led to Brett pushing Jake away, but they still kissed again and Brett yelled, “Oh, don’t!”. Jake is completely smitten with Brett, however, Brett only shows affection and interest in Jake while they are alone. Brett is vain and does not want a relationship with Jake because of the injury he sustained during World War I, possibly because he isn’t able to offer her all the things she desires in

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