Examples Of False Allegations

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A basic or common sense definition of a false allegation of rape is, the description of non-consensual sex that never actually occurred (Rumney, 2006). This appears straight forward however raises questions about the pervasiveness of false allegations as criminal justice professionals would argue that these numbers are quite high, whereas researchers and the literature around the area would argue that these numbers are in fact quite low. This article examines what constitutes a false allegation of rape and why the disparity in estimated numbers of false allegations between researchers and Criminal Justice Professionals is so great. It argues that this disparity is caused as researchers and criminal justice professionals are talking at cross-purposes. This can be understood by breaking down ‘false allegation’ into two other terms, ‘false complaint’ and ‘false account’. …show more content…

Much of the research in this area finds that false allegations tend to be quite low, for example Gunby et al. finds that the levels of false rape reports are no different to or in fact may be potentially lower than the levels of false complaints made in other crimes, and found that focus group participants believed false allegations to be infrequent (Gunby et al., 2013). Therefore a clear definition of what a false allegation of rape is, is vital if we are to accurately depict the prevalence of false allegations (Hunt et

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