Examples Of Extended Metaphors In Oedipus Rex

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The story Oedipus rex has many examples of extended metaphor, which means a comparison of two unlike things that continues through a series of sentences. The beginning of the story usually compares the city to being a ship in trouble. In the city of Thebes there's sickness, and death which makes not only the towns population go down but civilization too. On a ship there would be death and madness while on a perilous journey which is like what Thebes is going through. Sophocles writes, " … she cannot raise her head above the depths of so much surging death" (Sophocles ll.7-8). This compares a young child barely being able to survive sickness, and a ship crew sinking and not being able to stay alive under waves. The extended metaphors in the story gives the impact that Thebes is at a point of extreme danger, and there is little chance that it can be saved at this point. Just like if a ship is sinking and the crew is under water while a big ship is either over them or pieces of it around them there's little chance of surviving that. …show more content…

Oedipus is a tragic hero being that he was a king who had a high position in his community to a person who wished to be released from the city forever. Oedipus says " Cast me out as quickly as you can, away from Thebes, to a place where no one, no living human being, will cross my path" (Sophocles ll. 1697-1699). Oedipus was once a person who citizens looked to for answers to problems, and a person who had control over a whole city. To a person who wished to be banished from a new king of Thebes. The use of tragic hero in the story shows a slow slope of not only his position as king, but a man who loses his family and gains information about his real identity. Sending him to his

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