Examples Of Eulogy For A Father

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I’m extremely proud of you! I know that sounds crazy coming from your son, but I am. For years now, you have been my rock, my role model, but most importantly my father. We’ve had our ups and downs as most fathers and sons do. However, we always seem to find our way back to each other. You have always been more than a wonderful parent to me. Sometimes, I feel as if I don’t deserve to have a father like you. But it is fate that I was born as your son, and I believe that it is faith that has brought us so close ever since the day I was born. You have done your duty to instill in me the product of Jesus Christ’s love, and you have never let me down in reminding me who my heavenly father is and where he plays an important role in my life. I’ll never forget laying in the hotel bed in Charleston, just days before my surgery with you and mom lying next to …show more content…

I remember talking to you about the upcoming procedure in a few days, that I would have to endure. I know you feared for me. For my life and if I would ever be the same again. Dad, you gave me strength and courage, and you told me God would never let me down. Well 20 years later, I can say to you that you were very rightfully correct in your answer to my childish inquiries. I love you for that. I only hope to be half the man that you are when I’m a father. The qualities that everyone seems to love about our family, is from all of us. But it is you that started the family. Dad, you taught me patience. You taught me how to work hard. You taught me how to drive. It’s from watching you that I learned how to be a dad myself. Dad, you still teach me how to love. You taught me how to think on my feet. There’s so much I have learned and am learning from you. It’s almost impossible to try to think about it all without being

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