Examples Of Dystopia In Harrison Bergeron

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The definition of dystopia goes as follows, “an imagined place or state in which everything is unpleasant or bad, typically a totalitarian or environmentally degraded one”. Some today believe that this world is heading to a dystopian era in the near future due to recent events. According to a CBS News article, sales of one edition of 1984 has seen a sale jump of 10,000% since January, after President Trump was elected. Many books have a dystopian theme to them and they are getting more and more popular because of this. Animal Farm, The Hunger Games, and the short story “Harrison Bergeron” are some examples of dystopia, and they are far off of what they think is coming.

The short story “Harrison Bergeron” is a great example of dystopia for many reasons. One of them being that there is a higher government that has way too much power of the people, this example fits under the totalitarian part of the definition of dystopia. Another detail showing this is the “total equality” displayed in the story, they try to make everyone as “on the same level” as the lowest of everything, like speech, looks, smarts, and many more attributes that make us human. They try to obtain this by this other huge detail of the “handicaps”, they are certain devices that do certain tasks to make a person less intelligent, handsome looking, and …show more content…

It has a detail in common with the other two stories, there are punishments of death for minor offences. In this story there is also a form of higher people controlling everything and have too much power of the people. The pigs in Animal Farm are the leaders, they get to eat plentifully while everyone else starves and hardly makes it by. The pigs display something close to a totalitarian leadership style. The fact that these animals can do human activities with relative ease is dystopian in itself, and some tasks they can do better than the humans ever

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