Examples Of Doublethink In 1984 By George Orwell

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In George Orwell’s 1984, the people are told that freedom is slavery. By being completely free, you become a slave to your own mental state because you become more vulnerable to your emotions. You are aware and free of all your feelings and this can be destructing because of different opinions. The Party fears everyone being completely free because this will give them the ability to speak and act out against the government because this will risk their power being taken away which is why they use doublethink so people will believe their freedom makes them a slave.
In George Orwell’s 1984, the people are told that freedom is slavery which is using doublethink. The most commonly used form of doublethink the Party has liberated into the people's mind is their slogan: War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength. “In the end, the Party would announce that two and two made five, and you would have to believe it.” (83)

In 1984, the people of Oceania are told that freedom is slavery because, by the society living by this, the Party will maintain their power over others. The party believes that by people truly being free, their power …show more content…

The Party and Big Brother have settled that freedom really is slavery by using tactics like telescreens and thoughtcrime to stop people from acting out, having a group called proles who are free but the Party has shown them to be the weakest people, having consequences in The Ministry of Love, being sent to Room 101 for using your freedom that they are not allowed to have, as well as the brotherhood who are free but have to hide that they are expressing their thoughts. These things limit everyone’s freedom; by everyone following a certain line of order that the Party approves, the Party remains in power without people realizing the Party is

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