Examples Of Depression In Catcher In The Rye

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“Depression is the most unpleasant thing I have ever experienced.… [It’s a] deadened feeling [that’s] very different from feeling sad. [Sadness] hurts but it’s a healthy feeling. [It’s] necessary thing to feel[, but] depression is very different.” J.K Rowling, author of the Harry Potter books, said the quote of how she experienced depression. Depression is something very different from sadness, it’s almost like a sickness that can affect anyone. Depression can destroy anyone if the person isn’t treated or helped out. In Catcher in the Rye, by J. D. Salinger, Holden is a teenager that thinks of life as a burden and worthless. When Holden was a child at the age of 13, he had to experience his little brother, Allie, dying over leukemia. After …show more content…

The last school Holden went to was Pencey Prep. While Holden was going to Pencey, he was failing all of his classes except English and not being in class. When Holden left Pencey Prep, he was alone in New York City trying to start a life by himself because Holden didn’t want to return home with his parents knowing he got kicked out again. Holden had a belief of everyone being “phony” to each other. Holden thought of “phony” as trying to be a person, the person isn’t. At the end of the book, Holden was at a mental hospital due to him being possibly “insane” from all the acts he did or experiencing depression from all the trauma Holden went through. The trauma of Allie’s death caused Holden to bring out a darker version of himself that’s thinks of himself as worthless, delusions of people being phony, addiction to smoking/drinking alcohol, and started to fail in school. All of these actions and emotions are signs of depression and grief. Holden shows multiple symptoms of having major depression/grief in his life from Allie’s …show more content…

One of the common factors of depression to be caused is someone losing a loved one. It can be traumatizing especially losing someone while as a child because the child won’t fully understand what has happened in the moment. That’s what happened to Holden as a child when he lost Allie over leukemia. Holden thought of Allie as pure and good hearted so Allie’s death took away Holden’s thoughts of Allie. Another trauma that could have happened was Holden being a sexual victim. In Catcher in the Rye, after Holden fell asleep at Mr. Antolini’s house, Holden said “I woke up all of a sudden… I felt something on my head… It was Mr. Antolini’s hand… I jumped [up.] “What the hellya doing?” I said.” The way how Holden reacted to Mr. Antolini touching his hair seemed as if Holden was a victim of sexual abuse in the past. Being a victim of sexual abuse is another factor for depression to become depressed. “Depression can happen at any age, but symptoms [mostly happen] in teen or early 20s or 30s.” according to Teen Depression on NIMH. Holden is probably now starting to develop these symptoms of depression that cause him to think of himself as useless or a failure that leads into

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