Examples Of Crash In The Movie Crash

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“Crashing” Facts and Stereotypes This movie is filled with shocking details and scenes; it shows that each character, whom all are residents of L.A. is different, but shares the same assumptions, fears, and hopes. While watching the movie, I was feeling sorry for the couple who were car jacked, but then later saw how the lady assumed that the Hispanic man was a criminal. Peter is involved in carjacking a vehicle, but is later shot dead by Officer Hansen. Shaniqua was belittled and yelled at by Officer Ryan, but later shows her yelling and berating another driver involved in an accident, at the end of the movie. The two black males who feels mistreated and discriminated against in a restaurant and on the street are the same two who car …show more content…

Both young guys are surprised to see that the driver of the nice vehicle is a black man. Determined to not be a coward this time, Cameron fights both guys back and also get out to confront the police; one of the black guys flee the scene while one stays. Officer Hansen, one of the officers on the scene, recognizes Cameron as the victim of Officer Ryan’s harshness and harassment, tells the other officer that things are ok, calms Cameron down, and lets him go. Cameron gives Anthony his gun back and tells him that he is an embarrassment to their common race. While Officer Hansen does something nice to save and defend Cameron, he later turns around and kills Peter. What does this movie, Crash, tell us? It teaches us that we all leap to conclusions based on race, and sometimes in the end, we pay the price for that. Each character “crashes” into the other and learn things about themselves and their own behavior. I’ve experienced being stereotyped, and I have done the same to others; either way, the feeling isn’t good on either end. I can really relate to the part of the movie where Shaniqua is stereotyped because of her name; Latasha and I have both …show more content…

I think it is outrageously unfair that I have taken the time and money to get an Associates and Bachelor’s Degree, but can’t even work in my field most times because my name comes across to jobs on a resume, before I can even meet them or get the chance to interview. I’m not saying that this occurs every time, but I strongly believe that it happens most times. I’m also not assuming that this stereotypes only occur with the opposite race, but believes that it also occurs with my own race. With that being said, although I have these feelings, I’m not at all innocent from treating, feeling, or believing the same about my own race along with other races/cultures. In the past, I’ve made statements to individuals about not wanting to talk to other cultures, like Hispanics, on the phone while trying to handle business because I couldn’t understand their accent. Was it a hurtful thing to say? Yes, it was. I’ve also made jokes about Mexican families being “packed in small cars” and going in grocery stores to buy up all of the salsa, lettuce, tomatoes, and taco shells. Was that belittling and judgmental? Yes, it was. I have made fun of Asians and their language while paying for their service,

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