Examples Of Conformity In The Giver By Lois Lowry

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In the book, The Giver, by Lois Lowry, a 12 year boy named Jonas, lives in a world where everything is the same. There is not any diversity in Jonas’ world, just sameness. Even though there is no pain or suffering, Jonas does not like his world. Jonas does not like this world of sameness because he wants to make choices, he wants to feel happy and be able to see colors, feel emotions, etc. Author Lois Lowry is warning her readers if the world is the same, there would be sameness, no diversity, people should value themselves. Too much conformity can lead to a dull society. First, an example of conformity in The Giver is being not able to choose a profession. People should be able to choose a profession and do what makes them happy and proud

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