Examples Of Conflict In The Outsiders

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Just like every other form of literature in the world, there are the four types of conflicts in The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton. The major points of action and strife in this book share about these four engagements. Also the events that eventually cause the more major episodes can have a conflict as well. The greasers and Socs are both guilty of carrying and spreading these inner or outer conflicts. Since the characters have fought, then they have experienced these conflicts being forced upon themselves by themselves, enemies, or even friends. As being very prominent in the book, character vs society was put out almost everywhere. Darry had to drop out of college to take care of his brothers because he had to since their parents died (although he would have anyway). Another example is that the Socs are more of the upperclassmen and act superior to the greasers. “ I ain’t got no record with the fuzz and it was self-defense. Ponyboy and Cherry can testify to that (Hinton p.87).” Johnny had to deal with the laws for committing murder, even if it was self-defense. You can find character vs society in almost every part of the book. Character vs character was demonstrated as the defining conflict of the book. It is primarily shown as Socs opposing the greasers. A good example of Soc versus greaser was …show more content…

All of the greasers’ lives have there own backstory. Johnny has to think about how he was told he wasn’t good enough, and has to wonder if that’s true. Soda, Pony, and Darry all have to try to stay with each other, though it was hard since they all felt like they constantly had to do better. Pony can’t deal with the loss of Johnny, and he was struggling to make it feel like Johnny was back. “Johnny… he’s dead. My voice sounded strange, even to me. But he’s not dead… (Hinton p.153)” Everything the “hood” has gone through has affected them deeply, and they don’t know what they should have

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