Examples Of Conflict In Huckleberry Finn

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Inciting Incident: Protagonist: __________Huck__________/What s/he wants: he wants to escape the constraints of society and live freely. Basic Conflict: (describe the situation, tell type and category) The main protagonist, Huckleberry Finn, struggles in a man against society conflict throughout the novel. The conflict is presented early on as the widow Douglass and Miss Watson attempt to civilize him by making him wear proper clothing, not to smoke, among various other things. The severity of this conflict is more prevalent as he deals with Jim and must choose between his societal influences telling him to turn Jim in, or to follow his newfound morals and help his friend. Complications/Rising Action: (especially list things that cause suspense or offer foreshadowing) • …show more content…

• Pap shows up in town and demands Huck’s money and eventually gains legal custody over him as a result of a new judge not knowing the state of their relationship. • Huck fakes his own death and escapes society by going down the river in a canoe to Jackson’s island where he meets Jim and discovers that has run away from Miss Watson. • Huck and Jim are forced to leave Jackson’s Island and travel down the river after discovering that someone has seen smoke from the island and believe Jim is hiding there and also that a reward has been offered for Jim • After passing St. Louis they encounter a band of robbers on a steam boat, eventually leaving with all of the loot they had. • Huck and Jim became lost in a thick fog, causing them to miss the mouth of the Ohio River, and thus the course in direction of their desired

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