Examples Of Comitatus In Beowulf

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Beowulf, an epic poem that tells about a well respected man leads the story as a hero with values of lof and comitatus. Beowulf and the best of the geats carry their christian morals throughout the story, although lof and comitatus are pagan values. The men wanted lof because they believed their wasn't an afterlife and that every accomplishment needed to be achieved on earth. Comitatus is the idea that no matter what, at all costs you protect and stand by your king. Is comitatus and lof as important then death itself ? As we look at the meaning and values in Beowulf we will see some fail and some that bring great success. Comitatus was all Beowulf and the men had. The mead hall is where some of that was built and the trust and love. “ Hrothgar, their lord, sat joyless in herot , a mighty prince mourning…” (44-50). The attack of grendel destroyed …show more content…

In the end they broke that commitment , but one stayed. “By almighty God ,I'd rather burn myself than see flames swirling around my lord.” (782-764).It was beowulf's last quest , him and his men sat out to fight the worst evil of them all . Greater than beowulf, he knew he stood no chance without fighting with weapons. Shown too strong the dragon showed his mighty powers and the men fled leaving beowulf alone,but one man stayed till his death ,

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