Impact of Physical Activity on 3rd Grade Learners

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The second day of my observation during the 3rd grade class I noticed that the children were very wild and disobedient. Mr. Dunn told me it was because P.E. was their last class of the day and they were ready to go home. In addition to this it had been raining all day so the children had not gotten outdoor recess. The options for students when it rained were to either go to the computer lab or the cafeteria. Since the children had not gotten to run around and get out some energy, they acted out during P.E. Mr. Dunn told me there is a link between physical activity and learning and when children don’t get the physical aspect it makes it hard for them to focus, retain information, and behave during learning excercises. Throughout the duration of this class the children ran and yelled and climbed on things they weren’t supposed to. Mr. Dunn used his microphone a lot and the police officer came in to help calm the children down. The students would not be tamed, so the class turned into more of keeping the students from hurting themselves and each other and just ignoring the tattle telling and yelling. Each of the planned tasks did get completed and the students did learn, but I could tell by the end of class Mr. Dunn was stressed and the police officer laughed at his expression. One of the things I admired about Mr. Dunn was that even …show more content…

Through this experience I was able to meet several of the staff members such as the school police officer, the special education teachers, a class aid and of course the two physical education instructors. Everyone was so friendly and willing to answer any of my questions. Observing College Grove was a learning experience I won’t forget. I realize I learned a lot throughout those three days, but I also realize I have a long journey ahead of me with a lot more to

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