Examples Of Civilization In Joseph Conrad's Heart Of Darkness

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1) Is “Heart of Darkness” a racist novel? Joseph Conrad created a character called Marlow. Marlow narrates the journey that he was taking. However, it is through this journey that the entire story of Heart of Darkness is narrated to us. This book is not entirely a fictitious story because the reader partly gets to know the authors own experiences. This book mainly talks about colonization and is often taken as a voice against colonization. However, the book is on many levels a story about ambiguity because of the words used, the incidents, narration and the mixed feeling of Marlow. The words that are used to describe the natives are confusing and ambiguous. At one point Marlow describes the natives with so much pity stating that they cannot be called as enemies. He describes them being so innocent and …show more content…

When the colonizers are criticized it somehow gives the feeling that their deeds are wrong but at a point it also shows the colonizers as an object of pity. The incidence which criticizes the natives shows them to be inferior. The Europeans feel that they are superior but the actions that are given show them being inferior. When Marlow reached the station he sees few bricks scattered and a rail way being rusted. Europeans came to Congo in the name of civilization however their deeds never contributed to the civilization of Congo. The Europeans made the natives to dig holes for no purpose. These incidence and many more from the text shows the actual darkness in Europeans. But Marlow also mentions how the Europeans suffer mentally after going back because of the Natives. The Europeans threatens the natives by whistling and making that strange sound. In real life such a practice is only done towards animals. For example people blow honks and make strange sounds to chase away elephants. This shows the opinion of the Europeans on the natives and how they look down on

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