Examples Of Cannibalism In Africa

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Cannibalism in Africa
“Cannibalism is the act or practice of humans eating the flesh or internal organs of other human beings.” (Wikipedia) Cannibalism in the Congo Basin could be a form of harsh punishment. An example is, “When a mob in the Democratic Republic of Congo stoned, burned and ate a man, after accusing him of being part of a Ugandan-based Islamist rebel group operating in the area.” (TNO STAFF). This is proving that cannibalism is still an ongoing part of an ancient tradition in Western and Central Africa. Cannibalism dates back to over 600,000 years ago, and it is still practiced in two different regions of Africa today.
Cannibalism has existed in the Congo for many generations and it does still takes place today. The latest …show more content…

W. Holman Bentley) The natives would often beg Grenfell to sell them some of his steamer hands. “They offered two or three of their women for one of these “coast men”. They could not understand the objections raised to the practice. ‘You eat fowls and goats, and we eat men; why not? What is the difference?’ said the son of Matabwiki, chief of Liboko, when asked whether he ever ate human flesh, he said: ‘Ah! I wish that I could eat everybody on earth!’ Happily his stomach and arm were not equal to the carrying out of his fiendish will.” (Rev. W. Holman Bentley)
In conclusion, cannibalism is still being practiced by tribes today. Mainly, throughout the Congo and various islands that consist of tribal

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