Examples Of Autoethnography

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Adedeji Alabi
Sara Wagner
English 101
February 27, 2016

What does it mean to be proud? Why do a lot of people always tell me to ‘suck it up and swallow my pride’? I was born into a family which was considered lower-upper class. My grandparents had a prestigious business which was well known in my city. Considering my family background, it was expected of me to live in an exclusive neighborhood, attend expensive social clubs and attend the finest schools. Irrespective of such, I attended a regular high school like everyone else. During high school days, a lot of people wanted to be friends with me due to various reasons but I was more of a reserved person who may be considered an introvert. Due to the fact that I didn’t hang …show more content…

I personally didn't see myself exhibiting any of these traits. In high school I was shortlisted to compere a show. This was something I always wanted to do. I was cut off the list without any reason given for such. One of my friends who was on the organizing committee later told me it was because they saw me as someone who had so much pride and would not stoop so low to host the show. Another similar experience was when I was in a relationship in high school, and things weren't working out. I was stuck to the old the old trick, “Ignore them and they’ll come back …show more content…

The article, ‘Arrogance: A Formula for Leadership Failure’ written by Stanley Silverman shows how leaders who exhibited excessive pride all ended up failing (Silverman). Joe Cassano is the main example in the article. Cassano was a former leader at American International Group (AIG). He is ascribed by some as single-handedly establishing the collapse of AIG. Coworkers verbally expressed Cassano had fondness for yelling, imprecating, lamentable-mouthing others, and derogating colleagues, as well as minute tolerance for antagonistic viewpoints. Cassano’s behavior brought the entire company down. Regardless of the fact that it was the practices he endorsed that led AIG to be considered as one of the most eminent examples of superfluity associated with Wall Street, Cassano remained impenitent about his role and inculpated others for the tragedy. The article additionally points out arrogant comportment attributed with a range of individuals and organizational quandaries. Individuals who are arrogant make a stressful and unbearable environment for others, and end up having poor

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