Examples Of Altruism In The Call Of The Wild

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In the entertaining novel, The Call of The Wild, by Jack London, a spoiled dog named Buck from a wealthy family is kidnapped and used as a sled dog by many teams as he explains how his wolf-like instincts present themselves as he journeys across Alaska. Our essay explains some of the many ways that Jack London uses the virtue of humanity in his novel. (Merriam Webster Dictionary,) humanity is a virtue associated with the ethics of altruism derived from the human condition. Humility differs from mere justice in that there is a level of altruism towards individuals included in humanity more so than the fairness found in justice. This means that humanity is the act of having selfless concern for the well being of others.
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Buck is a great example of this; he is a smart, passionate, loyal, friendly, tireless, fierce friend. When Buck was with Francois and Perrault, they tried to show Buck who the boss was by beating him with a club. This made Buck angry, “Bitter rage was his, but never blind rage.” Buck showed he had good virtue of humanity because despite being beaten, he still hung in there and lead the team of dogs. Buck also jumped into a river to save John Thorton’s life on page one hundred twenty eight; this was an act of selflessness and sacrifice because Buck almost lost his own life in the process. “The rope thus tightening on him in the sweep of the current, he was jerked under the surface and under the surface he remained till his body struck against the bank and he was hauled out. He was half drowned.” Page one hundred thirty seven shows that Buck has a good virtue of humanity because he was willing to do anything to make sure his owner was happy. Thornton bet that Buck could pull a sled one thousand pounds from a stationary position. Buck did this for the love of his owner and he took this challenge with pride. “Muscles writhing and knotting like live things under the silky fur.” And he did not fail to impress his owner. At the end of the story when Buck moved on after his owner was murdered that showed that Buck loved his owner. Buck turned to rage because his owner was inappropriately killed. He also showed that Buck knew that it was time

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