Examples Of A Good Girl Essay

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Good Girl Turned Bad Everyone has their own opinion on what makes someone a “good girl.” Some may claim that good girls are those who do not have casual sex, drink, or do drugs. By some definitions, good girls are just those who pretend to be good. In my family, we have our own definition. Good girls work hard, do well in school and life, and above all, are sources of support for their families and friends. In addition, good girls do not get involved in harmful things, are not outspoken and are never tactless. My family has a culture of good girls. For generations and generations we have produced good girls. Sure, I have female relatives who are considered the black sheep of our family, but we do not talk about them. We unconsciously focus on breeding and raising decent, soft-spoken, feminine women. By my family’s definition, I was always a good girl. I got good grades, cared deeply about my education and generally loved everyone. In a predominantly male generation, I was the confidant for my aunts, the gentle influence on my cousins, and the example that was presented to everyone. I have always been the voice of reason and tact among my male relatives and …show more content…

Sure, I made mistakes, but everyone does. There is a lot less pressure from them to be perfect but I do not believe that I have completely disappointed them. After all, I was able to pick myself and find the right path in life. My struggles even helped me to eliminate a lot of bias and stereotypes that I had not realized I had and ultimately helped me to discover my career path. Most people would not consider being a good girl or a bad girl to be a cultural characteristic and perhaps it is not. Perhaps my family is unique in expecting their girls to be “good,” but I do not think we are. All I know is that over the course of my life I have discovered that, while being a good girl may be a cultural tradition in my family, it is also a personal

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