Logical Possibility vs Physical Reality: Debunking Fallacies

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Week 1 - Logical Possibility vs Physical Possibility

This week we covered a variety of different claims and a common fallacious argument used in their favour. Among the topics discussed were claims such as conspiracies, UFOs, homeopathy, Extra-Sensory Perception (ESP) and bigfoot.

A common argument used to defend these claims is the assertion that the mere possibility of their existence makes them valid claims. In other words the fact that these things are not logically impossible makes them perfectly rational stances to take. One of the reasons that this argument is fallacious is because things that are not logically possible are not necessarily physically possible.

An example given was that of a cow jumping over the moon, something which is logically possible yet physically impossible. This belief, most would agree, is ridiculous to consider and yet it has the same …show more content…

This likely occurs at least in part due to the need for rapid assessment of our senses for survival. It is much better for our survival to take the shadow of a swaying tree to be a threat than for the reversed scenario. Though skeptics are susceptible to sensory tricks, it is also true that those more open to the idea or those who have been told to expect a phenomenon are more likely to be fooled by their own perceptions.

This sensory deception can occur even to well trained scientists if experiments aren’t set up with safeties and precautions. This occurred to a large number of scientists with a particular experiment involving what were called N-rays in the early 20th century. Numerous scientists were able to produce these N-rays in their labs, all beginning with the creator of the experiment himself (Prosper-René Blondlot) who claimed to have produced them in 1903. These N-rays were supposedly observable with the naked eye and radiated from almost everything except green

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