Example Of Ethos Pathos Logos

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My major is Business Management. I am actually taking my basics, so I choose to take the course Introduction to Business. While I was reading my book Business in Action, I started to have a thought. Why would I believe what it is written? Based on that question, I realized that the book contained numerous persuasive techniques like ethos, pathos and logos. These techniques are used to convince the reader that what is written, is true. There are different opinions about which one is more efficient. The majority will argue that all of them are essential in order to persuade and write effectively. However, there must be one option that is, at least a bit, more productive and that helps students to understand and learn.
Pathos is the appeal of emotion. By carefully analyzing my book, I encountered many stories that were written not only to connect with the reader, but also to get them engage with the subject. An example is the story Yolanda Diaz: Building her dream with hard work and strong business sense. The book said that “Like millions of people spending their …show more content…

It is a technique of persuasion, where the writer includes people that are trustworthy because of their experience or knowledge. For example, one would have low credibility if he wrote the Business in Action book, but has no knowledge in the field. However, the book presents its authors, which are Courtland L.Bovee and John V. Thill. ”Professor Bovee has 22 years of teaching experience at Grossmont College in San Diego, where he has received teaching honors and was accorded that institution’s C. Allen Paul Distinguished Chair. Mr.Thill is a prominent business consultant who has worked with organization ranging from Fortune 500 multinationals to entrepreneurial start-ups. He formerly held positions with Pacific Bell and Texaco.” The purpose of including their information, is to demonstrate that they have the sufficient experience and knowledge required to be a credible

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