7.2 Ilm

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7.2 ETHNOCENTRISM A tendency to regard one's own group, culture, or nation a superior to others. Such as what sometimes occurs in a selective club, religious sector, or political organization. People who are ethnocentric see their group-related customs or beliefs as "right" and evaluate others beliefs or practice against this yardstick. Ethnocentrism tends to be consistent with all individuals. It is imperative for managers to address and monitor cross-cultural settings so biases don't lead to detrimental behaviors or experience. 7.3 STEREOTYPES Set of thinking about a group that is applied commonly to all members of that group , such as "all poor people are uneducated" while some stereotypes can appear to portray a group in a favorable light, such as "all Asian are good at math," stereotyping whether positive or negative , is never a good idea because seldom does one statement hold true for all members of a group. Stereotyping is not always bad; it is a means to categorize and simplify complex worlds. It is when stereotyping results in negative feelings or actions, leads to inaccurate perceptions, or results in closed-mindedness and myopic viewpoint that stereotyping can be a barrier. …show more content…

Sometimes we do this because of a common belief that people generally get what they deserve. However, these beliefs may prevent us from understanding and appreciating other's actions and perspectives. These beliefs may also falsely insulate us from the realities and challenges we all face. 7.5

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