Ex-Machina And I, Robot

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From the works of Karel Čapek and Isaac Asimov to the modern day films ‘Ex- Machina’ and ‘I, Robot,’ the trustworthiness of artificial intelligence (AI) has always been a wavering question. Some could say that the fears are nonsense, but they are mostly based on the philosophy that the more knowledgeable a species, the more controlling and violent the species becomes. The philosophy itself is somewhat true - look at the human race; we destroy the habitats of other creatures for our own personal or financial gain. But as for the proposal that a machine could take power over our world, a machine would have to be able to think. But the question of machine based thought has been a question since the beginning of computer science. Not many are proposing …show more content…

As humans, we should limit the intelligence of robots in order to prevent them from directly or indirectly restricting human freedom. To fully grasp the situation, you must know a bit about the topic of AI. In 1950, a scientist and mathematician named Alan Turning proposed that a machine should be taught as if it were a child, and soon after in 1950, the phrase ‘Artificial Intelligence,’ the theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages, was coined by John McCarthy, the inventor of the programming language ‘LISP.’ Since then, we’ve made multiple advancements in the world of artificial intelligence, but one mistake many people continuously make is not recognizing AI when they see it. John McCarthy complained that: “As soon as it works, no one calls it AI anymore,” and his complaint continues to prove itself every day. Because of science-fiction and fantasy, we perceive artificial intelligence to be more of a mystical fantasy than our current reality. But it is; AI isn’t a robot. A robot is simply a container for the artificial intelligence inside of it, the AI is …show more content…

The data and software behind Siri is a perfect example of Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI), AI that specializes in only one specific task. And depending on the devices settings, the voice you hear is only a personification, and there is no hardware involved. Artificial intelligence is everywhere; from coffee pots to cars, but is it really a safe thing to have? Dr. Stewart Armstrong from the Future of Humanity Institute of Oxford predicted a future where machines are run by artificial intelligence will become so invaluable to human lives that human will become so irrelevant that the machines will take full control. At the moment, humans are highest on the ladder of life because of our intelligence; the moment when the intelligence of machines surpasses the intelligence of humans, the machines will be the ones that will rule the world. World dominance aside, before we were to even reach that point a countless number of jobs would disappear if AI is further integrated into our lives.

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