Ex-Colored Man And Their Eyes Were Watching God Literary Analysis

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In An Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man and Their Eyes were Watching God, Janie and the Narrator live very different lives and experience very unfortunate things while their story is being told. Luckily, some of these things create positive outcomes that is hard to predict in the beginning of each of their stories. Nevertheless, both of them have a rather positive outlook on their situation no matter what circumstances they are involved in. No matter the difference in gender, what they pass as, or their financial situation, they both have some of the same struggles that make their stories interesting. Even though their lives may be harder from other people, it gives them the opportunity to become stronger people once they start to either overcome …show more content…

The two things Janie wanted were freedom and true love. While she accomplished both of these by the end of the novel, it took some time and a lot of struggle to get there. Going through years of abuse and repression from her first and second husbands would be enough to make anyone crack under pressure, but not Janie. She managed to stay strong through all of it, and near the end she was rewarded with Tea Cake and the love he and she shared with each other. Needless to say, relationships aren’t perfect, and their relationship was not excused from this, but they were in love and made things work out. From the beginning to end, Tea Cake and Janie treated each other the way they deserved to be treated, and things were fine until the day he caught rabies from a dog while saving Janie’s life. Sadly, she did have to shoot him, but that’s OK because she started to realize that she had finally “been to the horizon and back with Tea Cake.” Her second goal was freedom. This was achieved after Tea Cake had died, and she was by herself thinking about her life and everything she had gone through. It’s somewhat sad to think about what she had to go through in order to fully achieve her dream. Three husbands and one death would take a toll on the average person, but she managed to come out of everything

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