Evolution Of Lucy Essay

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In the 1970s Donald Johanson and his team were searching for fossils in East Africa and in 1974 Johanson and his team found a complete skeleton of an adult female hominid, which then was nicknamed Lucy. By carbon dating they found that Lucy lived roughly 3.5 million years ago. Lucy’s discovery is significant because to date she is the oldest hominid found with a complete skeleton. In the early 1978 Mary Leakey made an important discovery in Tanzania, which is located in East Africa. Mary Leakey and her team found prehistoric footprints that appeared to be footprints of modern humans. The footprints were preserved in volcanic ash. Upon further research, it came to be known that the footprints were made by “human-like beings now called australopithecines” …show more content…

Homo erectus adapted to their surroundings. Homo erectus lost most of their body hair, and developed a pelvis; the pelvis allowed bipedal travel for long distances. However, before this evolution of Homo habilis, there were many adaptations that helped put bipedalism into motion and allowing humans to move out of Africa and into other continents like Asia. The adaptation of a larger heel stabilized bipedal movement, the curve in the lumbar region of the spine allowed humans to stand upright, depth perception allowed us to see color, which allowed us to see and distinguish between safe and deadly plants. The development of a bigger brain helped inspire tool production, and a major advancement, how to build a fire. All of the adaptions helped humans rise to the top of the food chain.
As Homo sapiens evolved they began to farm, domesticate animals, which led to a genetic mutation that helps our digestive system digest lactose. Through further advancements, the brain became smaller, but more efficient and reduced aggressive behavior. Because humans became less aggressive, they were able to work in groups and live in small communities, which then again helped technological evolution. Technology such as tools are found in locations across the globe help archeologist date civilizations and Homo

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