Macbeth: Journey from Hero to Villain

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Macbeth: The Evil Within A famous television show, The Vampire Diaries, once stated that “Don’t underestimate the allure of evil, even the purest hearts are drawn to it”. Evil is residing inside everyone, from people who have the most innocent reputation to people who are valiant and praised. Shakespeare uses evil and it’s alluring power in his famous play, Macbeth, by having this praised war hero completely transform into an evil murderous character. From the beginning to the end Macbeth has drastically changed from a valiant and praised general to an evil and ambitious murderer. At the beginning of the play, Macbeth is portrayed as a magnificent war hero and a saviour. In the second scene a Captain is reporting from the battlefield, praising …show more content…

Macbeth meets with the witches once again to see if there are anymore prophecies that await him. The witches assure him that they have more predictions for him; “Macbeth! Macbeth! Macbeth! Beware Macduff; Beware the thane of Fife” and “Macbeth shall never be vanquish’d be until Great Birnam wood to high Dunsinane hill shall come against him” (Shakespeare.4.1) . The witches are telling Macbeth the only thing he has to fear is Macduff and that he will forever stay King until the tree of Dunsinane hill come out of the ground and march for him. Macbeth sees these witches to ease his mind about the current events and guilt that he feels. He also meets with them because his evil ambitions are taking over making him do anything to keep his power. He also wants to make sure that Macduff won’t be an issue so he decides to kill Macduffs family to keep him out of his way; “ What you egg!.... Young fry of treachery!” and “He ha kill’d me, mother: Run away I pray you” (Shakespeare.4.2). Macbeth killed Macduffs rather than Macduff himself because it will keep Macduff quiet about his suspicions. Macbeth’s evil mind begins to control him and his guilt and remorse that he feel when he kills he gets rid of by killing more and

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