Evidence Based Practice Assignment Part 2

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Evidence Based Practice Assignment Part II: Article Analysis & Implications for Nursing Practice. Emma M. Johnson School of Nursing, Oregon Health and Science University NRS 211: Foundations in Chronic Illness. Tamara Whittle and Marcia Larsen. March 1, 2024. Evidence Based Practice Assignment Part II: Article Analysis & Implications for Nursing Practice Analyzing the Evidence The article “Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness of an Empowerment-Based Self-care Education Program on Health Outcomes Among Patients with Heart Failure: A Randomized Clinical Trial” by Chinese researchers (Yu et al., 2022), discusses the results of a double-blind randomized clinical trial testing the implementation of a heart failure (HF) education …show more content…

It can be debilitating, painful, and disheartening for those who experience it. This demands significant nursing attention, particularly in patient education. Nurses should be competent in the pathology and progression of HF, as well as demonstrate the ability to educate the patient on this knowledge using effective and therapeutic communication techniques. The nurse should share prioritization with the patient’s priorities and questions, while also ensuring that complete education is provided. Patient education should prioritize common symptoms like fatigue and a mild cough while emphasizing red flag symptoms requiring emergency help: sudden shortness of breath or pink frothy sputum, chest pain, rapid irregular heartbeat, and fainting or severe weakness (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2023). Monitoring and tracking these symptoms is crucial for self-management. HF can be overwhelming, especially if there are unanswered questions and a lack of understanding; nurses can provide empowerment through education. A key aspect of patient education is educating on self-management. Self-management includes diet/medication adherence, physical activity, self-assessment, and other lifestyle modifications. Diet adherence includes order adherence and education on a low-sodium heart healthy diet (DASH). Physical activity will be encouraged and tolerated. Self-assessment includes monitoring signs and symptoms and taking daily weight and blood pressure. A lifestyle modification to highlight is the cessation of smoking. An article by Yu, et al. al, provides a study that demonstrates the use of empowerment strategies to aid in education and self-management of HF. By using the empowerment strategies from the study, such as patient goal setting and enhanced nurse to patient interactions, there was a significant increase in the overall health outcomes of these patients with HF. Nurses working

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