Everything Everything By Nicola Yoon: A Literary Analysis

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To introduce, a theme is the subject of a talk, or a piece of writing that morals the book. In the novel, Everything Everything by Nicola Yoon, the author depicts the life of an eighteen year old girl, whose name is Madeline Whittier. Madeline suffers from a disease called SCID, which means that she is allergic to the outside world. She spends her everyday life with her nurse that takes care of her, and does homeschooling with her mom, occasionally. The novel takes place at Madeline's house, located in Los Angeles. In Everything Everything, Nicola Yoon creates the character, Madeline who develops through sorrow, love and shock from living with a horrid disease, which emphasizes the theme, “Life is a gift. Don’t forget to live it.” Madeline

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