Everything Ends By Atul Gawande Essay

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Everything Ends
Every human being has an expiration date. One day, our bodies will shut down; whether it is due to the body’s inability to combat disease any longer or an unexpected death. However, no one enjoys talking about this unfortunate, yet inevitable event. Clinicians deliver bad news to their patients every day, and sometimes even a timeline of how long they have to live. As Atul Gawande, a writer and surgeon, suggests in the film, most doctors have difficulty talking about chronic disease and death with their patients, so instead they avoid these discussions or offer a different medication or therapy. The film documents how Dr. Gawande’s and his colleagues’ have faced the difficulty of having end-of-life conversations with their patients. He refers to aging and dying as the two big unfixables. Clinicians’ expertise and medical training is overcome by feelings of incompetency and defeat when they cannot find a solution to a problem and find themselves at a dead-end. Doctors are humans too, and must accept …show more content…

Kathy Selvaggi states, doctors “are taught that in order to be making a difference in patients’ lives, they have to be operating… giving them a medication…giving chemotherapy.” However, that is not always the best for a patient; listening and understanding how patients want their stories to come to a close is the best way to initiate end-of-life conversations. Dr. Gawande outlines important questions that patients must be asked: what are your fears and worries of the future, what are your priorities if time becomes short, and what are you willing to sacrifice and what are you not willing to sacrifice. This allows patients to be proactive in their plan of care and understand that their comfort and decisions are a priority. Perhaps, terminating chemotherapy is the best option for a patient who desires to spend his or her last days in the comfort of his or her home. Medicine also has an end, especially when it can only worsen someone’s overall

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