Exploring Allie's Character: A Learner Profile Analysis

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Everlost Learner Profile Essay “Allie the Outcast” is one of the two main protagonists, together with Nick, in the fantasy novel “Everlost”, by Neal Shusterman. She is a fourteen-year-old girl, who finds herself caught in a world between life and death, called Everlost, after experiencing a tragic car accident. In the first book of the Everlost trilogy, Allie is determined to find her way out and while trying to find her way in the new world, she experiences a number of adventures. She has most of the attributes of a good I.B. learner; Allie is a brave, independent girl curious to explore the world around her and willing to take risks for greater knowledge. Out of the ten learner profile attributes, these three describe Allie’s personality best: inquirer, risk-taker, and thinker. Firstly, Allie is an inquirer; she has a natural curiosity, the skills necessary to explore her surroundings and shows independence in learning. When they first arrive in Everlost, she demands information about others, in Everlost. Allie says; “We need you to tell us about the ‘others` you were talking about before.” (p. 25) Additionally, it is shown when they find the self-proclaimed queen of the afterlights and Nick starts to feel like he has found a safe home, but Allie isn’t satisfied when she begins to examine her environment and is determined to find out …show more content…

She also has several of the other attributes, as she is knowledgeable, balanced, and caring, for example about her friends. She is reflective and principled as she reflects on her mistakes to see what she could improve and always considers the consequences of her actions. To be a better IB learner she could be more open-minded towards other peoples’ ideas and opinions and be a better communicator by becoming a better team player and trusting

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