Ever Changing Society

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From the beginning of the twentieth century, the roles of religion have slowly been declining in societies. With the up rise of science and logic, more and more people are turning to logical thinking instead of looking to a religion. Scientists are arguing that there is no proof of a God or any other signs of a superior power. Secularization has made its way into all societies, with the fight of religion versus science being the biggest concern. After reading from philosophers and scientists, it is easy to see why religion is being phased out of societies.
According to the Webster Dictionary, secularization is the act of taking religion out of (something). While religion is still a big part in some people’s lives, and to many communities it is a central idea, there seems to be a clear argument to secularize more advanced societies. Before the idea of secularization was introduced, people turned to religion for all of their answers. Instead of looking for a more worldly explanation to life’s questions, people would result to religion. When science was brought forth to solve the previously unanswerable questions that people had, the idea of secularization really began to hit society. Why go to a priest or witch doctor to heal a sick person, when going to an actual doctor would prove to have better results. Why ask a hippie what gender your baby will be instead of getting an ultra sound. For some people this idea was a real change to their lives, because they now had a new way to look at life. It was not until philosophers started to take a step against religion that the world began to divide their ideas.
The job of a philosopher is to look at life in a way that most people don’t. They take all things into considerat...

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... what we are today. Instead, He made us in His image, and shaped us each individually (Miller 8, 222).
The theory of secularization across societies is, in small doses, correct. People are turning to a secular form of life as they continue to grow. The separation of church and state makes it so that religion is not forced on to anyone, so they can believe whatever they want to. With the increase of enlightenment and science, advanced societies are quickly turning to other forms of life than religion. When Freud and Dawkins talk about religion dying out due to science, technology, and philosophy, they are right in what they say. Looking at the United States today, the numbers alone prove that America is becoming a more secular nation. With 20% of Americans no longer affiliating with religion, there is a correlation between society advancement and secularism.

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