Events That Changed America Essay

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Many events occurred during the start of the birth of America and during America's early years. These events all had their own outcome in how they affected, shaped, and changed the way America works today. Some events changed America in a different way than another event. In the end, each one of these events is special in its own way for how it shaped and developed America. If it was a war, a purchase, or a signing of a bill, these three events that will be described and explained all had an enormous impact of how things worked back then and eventually leading to the way things work and are today. These three things that happened by far have to be some of the greatest aspects that changed history. The American Civil War. This has to be one of, if not the biggest war America had to be apart of because of the fact America was fighting itself. The Civil War was a war between the Northern states and the Southern states. This war was the result of slavery and if it should exist and be legal in …show more content…

The Louisiana Purchase was a purchase for a large plot of land made by President Thomas Jefferson. This large plot of land consisted of 15 of our today’s states and a couple of Canadian areas. This area was purchased from France in 1803. This area of land of West of the current colonies that existed. This was a huge buy and a great one too because not only did it get America out of dept from France, but it also expanded the country in a way that would forever stay. Not to mention that considering how much land we got for $15,000,000, we got off with an amazing deal. This purchase impacted America in an obvious but huge way. 15 of our 50 states came from this, and think about what might have happened if we didn’t make this deal. That area could be a big slab of French land in the middle of America, or we might have not ever continued expanding past that

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