Evaluation of The League of Nations in the 1920's

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Evaluation of The League of Nations in the 1920's The League of Nations was formed for one main reason: to ensure that a war like world war one NEVER broke out again. It wanted to promote international co-operation and to achieve international peace and security, as well as raise living conditions of men and women worldwide. It planned to do this by having a Covenant that all nations should follow, whether or not they were in the League. The Covenant was: To promote international co-operation and to achieve international peace and security: 1. By the acceptance of obligations not to resort to war. 2. By the prescription of open just and honourable relations between nations. 3. By the firm establishment of international law as the rule of conduct between governments. 4. By the maintenance of justice and a scrupulous respect for all treaty obligations in the dealings of organized peoples with one another. The nations that were in the League were most of the world, with the exception of the defeated nations of World War One (Germany, Austria, Hungary) who were refused entry and the USA, who refused to join. The main nations in the League were Britain, France and Italy, because they were powerful nations at the time. When part of the covenant of the League was broken, the League could respond with sanctions. There were three. Verbal Sanctions: warning an aggressor nation that she would need to leave another nation's territory or face the consequences. Economic Sanctions: financially hit the aggressor nation so that she would do as the League required. Physical sanction: military force would be used. But, there was no army that the League could summon directly. They had to be pulled from a country's army, and no country HAD to give an army. Now, the League did have successes. Examples of these are Upper Silesia in 1921.

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