Euthanasiad Suicide: The Causes And Cons Of Assisted Suicide

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Medical science has made great strides to allow us to save more lives than ever before. Through modern medicine, procedures, and technology we have the power to cure or reduce the suffering of people with conditions and diseases that were once thought to be fatal. We have discovered or much rather, we have created the so-called “fountain-of-youth”. Even so, modern medicine cannot treat all forms of pain and suffering. This technology that is seemingly beneficial for us today is also bringing about pain and distress to those who wish to end their prolonged life. One of the most controversial topics discussed this past decade has been that of assisted suicide.
Assisted suicide is suicide in which a physician or someone else helps a person take his or her own life. There are several ways a patient can end his or her life through assisted suicide. According to the Postgrad Medical Journal (2006), physician-assisted suicide is defined as making a means of suicide available to a patient with knowledge of the patient's intention to kill himself or herself. The final act resulting in deat...

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