European Union Dbq

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United we stand, divided we fall.After being bombed in various parts, ruined economically, politically, and culturally, and shocked after World War 2, Europe decided to make a union/ supranational organization named the EEC (later known as EU(European Union)) consisting of 28 nations.If you are a citizen in one of these territories, then you have some exclusive rights: you can work, travel, retire, study, etc. in any of these 28 nations, plus all of these countries have the same currency, the euro, so you do not have to switch currencies every time you travel.However, some countries such as Norway did not join, because of the fear of losing their sovereignty or control of own affairs and not give up their unique cultures of cuisine , …show more content…

But still, does joining the EU higher each individual country's GDP per capita? Yes. According to Document B, most country's GDP per capita increased by joining the EU with the one exception of Greece, a country that would have done better if there had been no Union(Document B). Since the 18th century, Poland has had a tragic and rocky past of being invaded, battled, divided, and occupied by either Germany or Russia. It was forced to adapt communism, something they struggled against.But now, Poland has the sixth largest economy, and living standards almost doubled. Currently, it is growing in the fastest speed in Europe(Document C). How is this possible?Because of the Union and its well developed bond with Germany .Germany gives Poland money, where they make the goods, and Germany is able sell it for competitive prices.This is convenient for both countries because of its proximity. It may crumble later if the Polish demand higher salaries or if Germany finds another place to manufacture the goods, but in the present situation, though it is working fine(Document C).Right now joining the EU makes the country’s economy more …show more content…

The EU has gotten that prize for its six decade struggle for peace, reconciliation, and most importantly human rights and democracy(Document D). Another sample is making France and Germany allies, which many people thought was preposterous for in a 70 year period of battle, both the countries clashed in war more than 3 times. Now, however war between France and Germany is unimaginable(Document D). But even now a few countries are going against the Union by rejecting Muslim refugees, which is against EU policy and law. The EU is trying to form a resolution to this conflict in Western Europe. From this evidence you can conclude that joining the EU gives the country both peace and

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