Eurocentricism: An Invisible Ideology in Literature

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Research Problem An ideology is not a rule that is imposed on the people at once. It is slow and gradual process and is set automatically in the minds. Eurocentricism is an ideology that has engulfed the Europeans and rest of the world is suffering from its effects. It has ruined nations and generations, not only physically but also psychologically. It is obvious to find the ideology as the part of literary work. Literature is reflection of society and the mindset of the people. Moreover, the writer is also part of the society and he is influenced by it. The European writers consciously or unconsciously depicted it in their work. However, this ideology is never highlighted in plain words. If the ideology is described openly then the …show more content…

However, that is also not open. He narrate the story and in a sense to prove the ideology right. Moreover, it cannot be said that he consciously did it. He is narrating what he has seen. He himself is not condemning it. He is a European and seeing thing through his perspective. He also thinks natives as savage and unconsciously described Eurocentricism. In the novel, every now and then he uses word savage. The readers also do not get each and everything. Not everyone can comprehend each and everything. Moreover, the writer also does not openly explain everything. He leaves it to the imagination and the understanding of reader. There is always gap left, which needs to be filled. This study is carried out to fill in the gaps and enlighten the readers with the evil. This study is meant to give better understanding of the and the ideology. Questions The novel gives rise to many questions. The first and important question is about Eurocentricism. How Joseph Conrad exposed Eurocentricism in Heart of Darkness? This Eurocentricism has different aspects. What are the Eurocentric aspects in the novel? The ideology is cruel and cause many problems. What is the real reason of colonization in the novel? The conditions of the colonized people are worse because of this ideology. What are conditions of colonized people in the novel? The nations have suffered badly due to this ideology. How Conrad exposed the exploitation of rights of the natives?  How Joseph Conrad exposed Eurocentricism in Heart of

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