Eulogy For Martyred Children Rhetorical Analysis

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In 1963, 4 young black girls were killed in a church bombing fueled by the racism and hatred that filled that time. Martin Luther King Jr.'s Eulogy for Martyred Children, given at their joined funeral, not only honors the girls in their death, but also provides an argument for why the nonviolent fight for civil rights must continue and grow. Within this argument, he talks about the racist white men, in order to provide insight to the reasons these hate crimes are committed, and how that means that it is ever more important to continue working toward equality. One of the bigger focuses though, is on how the idealisms and ways in which these men were raised are to blame, not the individuals. From the outset of the eulogy, racist white men are …show more content…

Each of the groups help to paint a picture of what type of people he is referring to, as well as offer insight to how he feels about them. He calls first of these groups "every minister of the gospel who has remained silent behind the safe security of stained glass windows." While this group wasn't exclusively white men, it certainly featured them in an extremely high percentage. His use of alliteration in the words silent, safe, security, and stained helps focus the audience's attention on what the men are doing, or rather failing to do, as opposed to shaming the people themselves. The next group follows the same sort of pattern. He speaks of "every politician that has fed his constituents the stale bread of hatred and the spoiled meat of racism." While this does point out that these men are encouraging these behaviors, the emphasis is put on the metaphors in this section. Instead of describing the men as stale and spoiled, he describes the idealisms as such, much like he did for the first group. The same goes for the next group, for which he describes the "federal government that has compromised with the undemocratic practices of southern dixiecrats and the blatant hypocrisy of

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