Ethnic Minorities In The Media Essay

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The field of media and communication studies have centered many of its work in the production of scholarly pieces that described the nature and nuances of the popular media in Latin America. However, there is a lack of work specialized on the impacts of media in the representations of ethnic minorities in the continent. In this context, Mira como ves: racismo y estereotipos en los medios de comunicación provides an interesting overview of the images of ethnic minorities, focusing most of its essays on the representation of Afro-Peruvians and Afro-descendant in the mass media. The book compiles a series of essays presented at the International Seminar “The media: a path to ethnic inclusion”, organized in 2006 by the Center for Ethnic Development in Lima, Peru; and are an …show more content…

This analysis, however, is not only based on the examination of media images, since the authors are able to establish a relation between them and the way in which prejudice and stereotypes influence notions of citizenship, belonging and real democracies. The underrepresentation and misrepresentation of ethnic minorities in the media, then, are constitutive factors of unfinished democracies and imaginary citizenships for these

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