Ethics Vs. Ethical Action

556 Words2 Pages

Many people have different views on the two but they are very much similar. Ethics is a study of what is good or bad and ethical action is an action that brings “Is” nearer to its objectives. Many people have different views on the two but they are very much similar, but they are also different in many ways. My take on them is that ethical theory is right from wrong and ethical action is knowing right from wrong and doing whichever one you choose. The relationship between ethical theory and ethical action is that they both know what’s right and wrong. Ethical theory was taught at a very young age the difference between right and wrong. We grew up knowing that if we did something bad we would have to face the consequences. Going to the store and stealing, knowing its wrong, just because your friends did it would be the example of ethical theory. People with morals would not go out and steal just because someone else is doing it but the person with ethical theory mind set will. Knowing right from wrong, we as people still force ourselves to do wrong for our happiness or someone else’s....

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