Ethics Education in Collegiate Aviation Institutions

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A Basic Understanding of Ethics Throughout everyone's college years, they are pursuing what they want for their future. This includes taking the required classes that go with their majors and taking courses that the school itself wants everyone to take a part in. However, there is a lack of enforcement in ethics. Ethics is a basic branch of philosophy that can be taught to anyone in order to make better decisions in life, not just for them, but for the people around them. For some reason though, ethics has not been made an official requirement in colleges across the country. This is a real surprise because of the many benefits teaching ethics can have on a student. By taking an ethics class during their four years as a college student, they will have the knowledge to make better decisions by thinking ahead, thinking about what affects their decision can have on themselves and others and if what they are doing is morally acceptable or not. There are many meanings to the world Ethics. Will Durant tell us that “Ethics is the study of ideal conduct (Christensen, 1995, p. 32).” There are many theories of ethics such as Virtue ethics, duty ethics, egoism, conventional morality and utilitarianism. Aristotle developed Virtue Ethics. With virtue ethics you are able to tell by the outcome of the act whether or not it was right or wrong. “What is the best life?” Aristotle asked himself. There are many aspects that relate to what someone would consider to be the best life. The article shows that you must work for ethics. It does not just come to you “Ethics is an acquired, not an inherent quality (Christensen, 1995, p. 32).” Morals are the distinction between right and wrong. During our lives, our morals are susceptible to change due to the ... ... middle of paper ... ...t programs in the US: Part one- The need.. Journal of Air Transportation, 11-12. Oderman, Dale B. (2003). Ethics education in university aviation management programs in the U.S.: Part two A- The current status. Journal of Air Transportation, 27-29. Oderman, Dale B. (2004). Ethics education in university aviation management programs in the US: Part three- Qualitative analysis and recommendations. Journal of Air Transportation, 74 O’Fallon, M.J. and K.D. Butterfield (2005) A Review of The Empirical Ethical Decision-Making Literature; 1996-2003, Journal of Business Ethics, 59, 375-413. Phillips, R. S., & Baron, M. A. (2013). Leadership Effectiveness of Collegiate Aviation Program Leaders: A Four-frame Analysis. Collegiate Aviation Review, 31(1), 107-127. Sims, R. R. (1992). The challenge of ethical behavior in organizations. Journal of Business Ethics, 11(7), 505.

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