Ethical Issues In Law Enforcement Essay

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When we think of ethics and professional conduct how does this tie in with our police officers? Ethics can best be described as knowing the difference in right and wrong. Ethics are the principles that play a huge part in deciding a person’s behavior. When we think of law enforcement its very important they handle their job in the most ethical way possible. The police are looked at as the pillars of the community, and the slightest lapse in judgment can change how the citizens view them. It is extremely important they go above and beyond to do their job in a professional way. There are several different kinds of ethical problems law enforcement officials often face. Some of those instances are as follows:
• Corruption
• Discrimination
• Racial profiling
• Violating constitutional rights
• Use of excessive force These are all some very important problems the police officials are having to deal with. One of the biggest incidents to date has to do with racial profiling and the use of excessive force. There have been several cases that have claimed police officers used excessive force against black males they were attempting to take into custody. This has brought a lot of scrutiny to police officials across the nation. The shooting of Tamir Rice was a cased that …show more content…

Values are those things most of us can define as something worth fighting for, and those things we are all willing to make certain sacrifices for. Our values help to determine who we are and the kinds of things we stand for. These are the things we all consider to be very important to us. These are the things that drives us to become better human beings. Values and ethics are policies that work together to help us form an even greater understanding. We place so much of our emphasis on our personal and professional lives, but are we able to separate the two? Values form the basis for our understanding of

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